Physical Education
P.E. is composed of dance, gymnastics, swimming, games (outdoor and adventurous) and athletic activities. At St. Peter’s we have a minimum of two P.E. lessons a week. As a school we have increased the use of the running track. Every class aims to run once a day with the whole school taking part in a morning run once a week. Children also have the opportunity through after school clubs and the School Sports Partnership to be taught by specialist coaches from external agencies. Over the last few years we have increased the number of competitive teams our children are part of and there are now 12 after school clubs dedicated to sport. We were lucky enough to win the school games gold mark thanks to the hard work of our amazing PE team and the children they inspire.
Drama and Dance
Through PE and through our creative curriculum children have many opportunities to explore new concepts through drama and dance.
Children often take part in festivals such as ‘stages’ and every child is able to take part in productions and plays.