St Peters CofE Primary

How to make a complaint

It is in everyone’s interest that concerns and complaints are resolved at the earliest possible stage. Many issues can be resolved informally, without the need to use the formal stages of the complaints procedure. St Peter’s takes concerns seriously and will make every effort to resolve the matter as quickly as possible.

We understand however, that there are occasions when people would like to raise their concerns formally. In this case, Mr Stannard, Headteacher will attempt to resolve the issue internally, through the stages outlined within the complaints procedure.

How to raise a concern or make a complaint

St Peter's C of E Primary School is committed to maintaining positive relationships with parents and carers and it is important to us that we establish and maintain strong home/school partnerships to ensure the best education for our pupils.

However, we recognise that sometimes parents/carers may need to raise issues with us and so we want to ensure that we try to resolve any issues as quickly as possible. We also want to reassure parents and carers that we do take any concerns or complaints very seriously.

A concern or complaint can be made in person, in writing or by telephone. They may also be made by a third party acting on behalf on a complainant, as long as they have appropriate consent to do so.

Our Complaints Procedure has four stages which are outlined below in more detail:

  • Stage one: Informal concerns
  • Stage two: Formal complaint at school level
  • Stage three: Formal complaint to the governing body
  • Stage four: Formal appeal to the complaints panel of the trust

Concerns should be raised with either the class teacher or Headteacher. If the issue remains unresolved, the next step is to make a formal complaint.

Complaints against school staff (except the Headteacher) should be made in the first instance, to Mr Stannard, Headteacher via the school office. Please mark them as Private and Confidential.

Complaints that involve or are about the Headteacher should be addressed to Niall Garland and Katie Biden (Co-Chairs of Governors), via the school office. Please mark them as Private and Confidential.

Complaints about the Chairs of Governors, any individual governor or the whole governing body should be addressed to the Wendy Hellin, Clerk to the Governing Body.

For further information please view our Complaints Procedure and or Complaints Policy.