St Peters CofE Primary

ATTENDANCE is important

Our school attendance target this year is 94%

It is the aim of St Peter's C of E Primary School that pupils should enjoy learning, experience success and realise their full potential. Our Attendance Policy reflects this and recognises that regular attendance has a positive effect on the motivation and attainment of pupils and is an integral part of our school’

Some pupils find it harder than others to attend school and therefore at all stages of improving attendance we will work together with them, their parents and partner organisations to remove barriers, by building strong and trusting relationships. Therefore, improving attendance is everyone’s business.

 Please help us to achieve this goal.

We take a really strong approach to attendance in school and we ask that you commit to not taking your child(ren) out of school during term time schools hours for holidays or medical appointments.

When your child cannot come into school please contact the school by 8.30am.

You can contact the school via:

Phone: ring and leave a message on 0117 3772186

Text: send a message to 07385 415275

Arbor: send an in-app message


We need to know that your child is safe if not in school.

How can we work together?

We appreciate that family life can be complex and there may be issues that directly or indirectly affect school attendance; we believe we can offer excellent support that really makes a difference. It is important that you have the opportunity to tell us how we can work together to improve attendance and support your child.

Did you know? By law Parents/carers can be issued a penalty fine or be prosecuted under section 444 of the Education Act 1996 for poor attendance at school.

Please click here for our attendance leaflet

 Please click here to see our morning routines poster

Click here to view our Attendance Policy.

Click here to view our "start of year attendance letter".

Click here to view a letter from Mr Stannard regarding Attendance - March 2024

 The Department for Education (DfE) are aware that the COVID-19 pandemic may have caused some parents/carers to feel less confident with assessing whether their child is well enough to be in school and have issued the following information which we hope you will find helpful.

Health and educational professionals agree that regular school attendance is vital to the life chances of children. Being in school improves health, wellbeing and socialisation.

It is usually appropriate for parents and carers to send their children to school with mild respiratory illnesses. This would include general cold symptoms: a minor cough, runny nose or sore throat. However, children should not be sent to school if they have a temperature of 38°C or above OR if struggling with sickness and diarrhoea (48 hour absence). We would like to share the NHS ‘Is my child too ill for school?’ guidance with parents/carers which has further information.

In addition to respiratory illnesses, we are aware that more children may be absent from school due to symptoms of anxiety than before the pandemic. Worry and mild or moderate anxiety, whilst sometimes difficult emotions, can be a normal part of growing up for many children. Being in school can often help alleviate the underlying issues. A prolonged period of absence is likely to heighten a child’s anxiety about attending in the future, rather than reduce it. DfE has published useful guidance on mental health issues affecting a pupil’s attendance and those who are experiencing persistent symptoms can be encouraged to access additional support.

Safeguarding Champions

Children with outstanding attendance can apply for this Junior Leadership role. One of their many responsibilities is to deliver bilbos to all children each term; find out more about bilbos later on. They are also helping to design an attendance top tips leaflet for families.

We have many rewards in school to encourage excellent attendance. What do you think? Please let us know.

Here is a reminder of our incentives for this school year.

  Weekly Class Attendance

Jog the dogOne of the children named this bear Jog the dog. Each week, he is awarded to the class(es) with the fewest number of late morning arrivals.  Some children made a voice recording for Jog the Dog, he says "Don't be late, school is great."


Be here bunny



One of the children named this bear Be here bunny. Each week, he is awarded to the class(es) with the best attendance.  The voice recording for Be Here Bunny says "Come to school every day, if you're ill don't stay away."


Term 1 Weekly Attendance

Click here to view week ending 12th September 2024 attendance.

Click here to view week ending 19th September 2024 attendance.

Click here to view week ending 19th September 2024 attendance.

Click here to view week ending 3rd October 2024 attendance.

Click here to view week ending 10th October 2024 attendance.

Click here to view week ending 17th October 2024 attendance.

Click here to view week ending 24th October 2024 attendance. 

Term 2 Weekly Attendance

Click here to view week ending 7th November 2024 attendance.

Click here to view week ending 14th November 2024 attendance.

Click here to view week ending 21st November 2024 attendance.

Click here to view week ending 28th November 2024 attendance.

Click here to view week ending 5th December 2024 attendance.

Click here to view week ending 12th December 2024 attendance

Click here to view week ending 19th December 2024 attendance

Term 3 Weekly Attendance

Click here to view week ending 9th January 2025 attendance.

Click here to view week ending 16th January 2025 attendance.

Click here to view week ending 23rd January 2025 attendance.

Click here to view week ending 30th January 2025 attendance.

Click here to view week ending 6th February  2025 attendance.

 100% termly winners - Gold


All children with 100% can choose a special character, called a bilbo or bug, to take home and share; as well as house points. 

Look out for updates, we often add pictures of some of the children who have won 100% termly reward prize; just for being in school every day in the term. 

Attendance gate raffle

To take part in our weekly Attendance gate raffle, and have the chance to win a  £5 voucher, all you have to do is:

  • Be in school on time, before 8.50am, every day.
  • Collect a ticket from the staff member on the gate,
  • Write your name on your ticket
  • Place your ticket in one of the raffle boxes, located in both the infant and junior hall 
  • One child in each building can win £5 voucher each week

Term 1 winners:

Week 1 - Amelia S and Theo B

Week 2 - Odin K and Millie L

Week 3 - Joni S and Roxie D

Week 4 - Jayden H and Olive K 

Week 5 - Meela H and Fynn O'Neil

Week 6 - Mason S and Matylda Z

Week 7 - Bonnie H and Kasper A

Week 8 - Elsie D and Chase W

Term 2 winners:

Week 1 - Finley G and Grace E

Week 3 - Emme Q and Max L

Week 4 - Billy M and Lacey T

Week 5 - Archie S and Georgie L

Week 6 - Grayson B and Kyle P

Week 7 - Isaac B and Toby B 

Term 3 winners

Week 1 - Willow D and Maya B

Week 2 - Cecily W and Ava H

Week 3 - Byron K and Darcy G

Week 4 - Remy H and Gracie-May M

Week 5 - Mae H and Isabella S

House with best attendance each term

 Term 1 - Banksy

Term 2 - Blackbeard


What about the children who are in school every day in the school year?

Towards the end of the school year, children with 100% all year have a special trip to the local cinema for a private screening of a current film with a special munch box to eat and drink.

2023-24 We took 38 children who had 100% attendance all year to see Inside out 2 at the Showcase.

2022-23 We took 35 children who had 100% attendance all year to see Super Mario Bros at Cineworld Hengrove.

2021-22 We took 22 children who had 100% attendance all year to see Lightyear at Cineworld, Hengrove.

Monitoring children's attendance under 92%

We have a first day calling policy where we will contact you by telephone, text and/or email if you do not let us know why your child is absent by 9.30am.

Each week we monitor all children's attendance under 92% you can find out more about how we do this in our attendance leaflet. 

You may be invited into school to meet with us to find out how we can support your child and help him/her be in school on time every day. 

Here is a copy of the Penalty Notice leaflet. 

Here is the link to the Department of Education (DfE) guidance of ‘Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions - December 2015.

Here is the link to the Department for Education (Dfe) guidance of ‘Ensuring a good education for children who cannot attend school because of health needs- January 2013’ .